FREE WORKSHOP; 10 Ways to Attract New Clients.

Disrupting rural midwifery with innovation brilliance – with Tracey Gilchrist

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There are two exciting elements to this story. The first is the creation something that hasn’t been done before. And that is reshaping and redefining how Tracey’s midwifery practice operates so that she can best service our expecting mama’s in rural and outback Australia. Secondly, you all know I’m a sucker for a woman in … Read more

From Redundancy to Resilience: Finding Your Confidence Edge with Emma Mungavin

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I call it “life in the messy middle”. When you’re plodding along, quite content with life and then something (or a bunch of things) come a long to knock you out of left field and set you on a whole new path you were NOT prepared for. Becoming a mother of 4 is enough to … Read more

It’s not fkn working, what do I do now?

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Change isn’t new, nor is the fear that comes with change. The unknown is scary. In this episode I talk about what’s working, what’s not and what is just outright HARD for business owners in 2024. From AI to staffing woes to the ridiculous price of Weetbix bites, this is one of my all-time quality … Read more

Stepping into your power in your 40’s with Bec Giles

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As a woman in my 40’s I get a rush speaking to other women who are kicking goals and living their best lives after 40. “It’s YOUR time!”. And if you know, you know! The fierceness of a woman brave enough to step out into the world of personal branding and building a business after … Read more

The reality of growing an international brand with Amy Found

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In loving memory of her beloved step mum and the most inspiring woman; Leanne Preston who you met in episode 54, Amy sat with me and shared her own incredible story shortly before Leanne’s passing at the end of 2023. Making both stories and the bravery of these incredible women all the more special and … Read more

Not sorry to burst your bubble

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I’m baaacckkkkkkk! The days of the lazy podcaster are OVER! As I say to my clients on the daily if your good at writing – WRITE, if you’re good at speaking – SPEAK! This episode is the start of my comeback series and another year of me sitting in my cupboard laughing at my own … Read more

Surviving grief with Clare Nation

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For the first time ever, after a decade, Clare Nation; a prominent real estate agent and entrepreneur in Perth, shares her story of unspeakable grief and heartache. Finding an introduction to this story that serves it justice is tricky, to say the least. This episode is tears and absolute vulnerability. I cannot thank Clare enough … Read more

Staying successfully social as an introverted entrepreneur with Shannon Fragomeli

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We’ve bantered online for years, I’m a loyal client and she made me my very own custom candle that said; “this candle smells like ass” and dropped it on my doorstep last Christmas. We live down the road from each other. True story. But we’ve never met. No this is not a twisted tale of … Read more

Discovering and Owning My Self Worth


Time for a little self-indulgent life update about the world of Elsa with the central theme being #selfworth. I’ve shared the sh!t times and now I’m cruising into calmer waters it’s only fair to share that too.  I have a deep seeded belief that we should not be scared to ask for what we want … Read more

Single mum to humble Queen of a head lice Empire with Leanne Preston


Never, have I ever, felt so damn inspired after speaking to a podcast guest. If this story doesn’t blow you out of the water, I’ll eat my microphone. Honestly, there is so much to this story and something for everyone, I don’t even know where to start. Parenting wins, acts of kindness and generosity and … Read more

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90-min Workshop!

10 Ways to Attract New Clients