I’m all about the sweet spot (and I know how to find it)

I’m all about the sweet spot (and I know how to find it)

- born and raised country girl
- calls a spade a spade – which is a polite way of saying ‘tells you what you need to know, rather than what might make you love me’
- total business geek
- has a podcast called ‘Bossy Bitch’
- and is here to call bullshit on hacks, secret tricks, and 4 hour work weeks bringing in a squillion dollars in business profit.

Hang on, that doesn’t sound very sweet?!
My approach to business is nurturing and guiding, but in a let’s-get-shit-done kinda way. I love all the nitty-gritty stuff and the ins and outs of creating a successful business (which is what I want for you).
And when it comes to growing businesses, I’ve done it, I’m doing it, and I bloody love it.

But I haven’t always done it alone. There’s a part of my story you need to know…

My business didn’t start out a one-man band. It started as B Directory, an idea formed with one of my closest friends Kristy Morton. Without her, there would be no Elsa Mitchell, the mentor! And that’s a straight up fact.
Kristy was a wife, mother of 3 young girls and the kindest, purest heart I had the privilege of knowing. We shared a deep, genuine connection and desire to change the world, by inspiring and guiding our fellow entrepreneurs to follow their dreams.
Together with Kristy we discovered the sweet spot in our business we built together. But it took time to get there and fear was always something that we’d had each other to lean on in moments of doubt.
In the past, I have lived in fear. Fear of succeeding, fear of failing, fear of saying the wrong thing and most of all, fear of not living my life to its full potential.
Unfortunately, it was losing Kristy to an 18-month battle with breast cancer at age 38, that now fuels my fire. To step up, live my dreams so that you can live yours. Because as Kristy so beautifully put it ….

It’s seeing Kristy’s desire to live fearlessly that made me recognise I was being called further into empowering other women in business to live this way too.
I’ve spent loads of time in the weeds, building foundations, and kicking goals (holy mixed metaphors, Batman!) and now I’m passing on my hard-earned knowledge and experience to you so you can do the same. Only WAY easier.
So, about that sweet spot.

The sweet spot is where you can breathe. Where your website is well established, you’re making friends with Google, your social media game is strong, new clients are being generated, your customer service is top-notch, and all those systems you worked your butt off setting up at the beginning are now paying off for you.
I’ve created a collection of businesses: a high-end building company, a hair salon, and this here business mentoring gig, and, yep, that is a real mixed bag.
The truth is, it doesn’t actually matter what kind of business you have, they all need the same basic foundation to grow successfully.
Sorry, no 4 hour work week. Apologies, no business hacks. Again, tricks won’t do the job.
What I do offer is the knowledge and mentoring so when you invest your time and resources wisely from the very beginning, you will soon arrive at Sweet Spot Lane. Right where you want to live.
So why exactly should you work with me?
I’m as enthusiastic about your business as you are! Promise. I absolutely love celebrating with you when you get your first Facebook message, and doing a happy dance when your glowing reviews start flowing in.
And I believe that creating powerful relationships is a non-negotiable part of business success.
And here are the benefits of how I help
I make good on my promises and loyalty is fierce. I believe in what you say, to ourselves and each other.
No-one believes in the power of relationships more than me. Because you’re only as good as the people you surround yourself with.
Good isn’t good enough! Your competition is fierce, if you’re going to do it… be exceptional.
I don’t just mean in profitability. Mentally, emotionally, and educationally; inner growth is equally as important as sales growth.
The ability to laugh at yourself is a gift. I’m a born joker & there isn’t a lot I do without my wicked sense of humour. Life is a game, let’s not play it too seriously.
I dare you to find anyone that will care about you and your business more. If you’re in my inner circle, it’s ride or die. I fiercely protect my people.
What they’re saying about me