Geez I hope you learnt your Covid lesson
We’ve been a little bit sheltered and a whole lot privileged over here in little Perth, Western Australia. And no, Mark McGowen, this isn’t a love letter to you.
We’ve been a little bit sheltered and a whole lot privileged over here in little Perth, Western Australia. And no, Mark McGowen, this isn’t a love letter to you.
Dear Kristy, Don’t ever go into business with a friend. That’s what my dad always told me, and it was something I always believed to be true. Until I went into business with you. Our relationship is one that even had my hubby feeling a little insecure. And who can blame him?
Can you smell that? It’s the new car smell that comes with a fresh new year. This year you’ll do it differently! You’ll do the work, make the changes and take the plunge. You’re ready? In this free webinar I’m going to give you the perfectly aligned pep talk you need to start the year firing on all cylinders. I’ll share;
because every businesswoman needs a wingwoman *wink*