Why VIP days in business are so hot right now

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I was scrolling away on the gram doing some solid stalking when I first came across the VIP day experience. 

It was someone doing something similar to me in business, proudly displaying these luxurious days where she would take her client for an over night stay in a 5 star resort to work on their mind and strategy to grow their business.

I wanted in.

So badly. 

I slid into her DM”s and did the “DM dance” that after 25 messages got us too…….how much???

10k for the day PLUS airfares from Perth to Brisbane.

*insert low breathe whistle here 

But regardless I wanted it. I wanted it SO bad. 

Now sidebar for a second, can we talk about transparency with prices? I literally put them on the my website very loudly and proudly because I deeply believe I am ‘worth it’ and my pricing ‘is good’…… Does my freakin head in when I can not track down pricing easily. Feels cagey to me…. 

But back to the 10k VIP day….. I couldn’t stop thinking about it, it truly seemed so amazing to me. 

So then I decided to start offering my own VIP days for my own clients and see what all the fuss was about. 

Here is how a VIP day with me loosely looks;

  1. We either meet or I pick you up and we go check in at Crown Towers in Perth at around 1 or 2pm.
  2. We have separate rooms.
  3. Prior to this day we have a lengthy zoom chat so that I can get to know what you want and need. I spend time stalking your business hard so that my brain is fully wrapped around where you’re at BEFORE our VIP day.
  4. As soon as we get to Crown I roll out my butchers paper, dust off my fav texts and get straight to planning and strategising. Aka – creating  the business of your dreams, how it looks and what we need to get there. 
  5. Food and drinks get sent up as you desire them.
  6. The magic of the day looks different to everyone. So your experience is unique. One client said to me after her VIP day; “she had no idea what was possible until that day and from that day forth she could ‘see’ the whole end game”.
  7. We share a beautiful dinner at one of the high end restaurants.
  8. The following morning we are up and at it early with either a walk along the river or straight into getting YOUR work done.
  9. The time is yours. The whole world stops and ceases to exist as you have 24 hours of absolute guilt free indulging in making YOUR dreams come true.
  10. Afterwards you have 4 weeks of follow up support time from me to execute the plan.
  11. I currently charge $2500 for these days which are grossly underpriced so they will go up soon.

Why are VIP days so hot right now?

  • Because we’re all fkn busy. I know we’re not allowed to say that but it is the absolute cold hard truth. VIP days give you literal months back. You can achieve in one day what most people take months to do. 
  • VIP days give you the TIME and space you need that we so often lack the indulgence to give ourselves. 
  • AND… they come with a powerful energy that can’t be described.
  • One of my guests who attended a VIP day said to me; “Elsa, I’ve worked with you and seen you in action, but I have never seen you like this. THIS is something next level.”

And I don’t care what anyone says, an in real life experience is something that will never be able to be recreated through a screen.

Still confused about VIP days and how you can implement them in your business OR attend one yourself? 

Book a free call with me here to discuss; https://calendly.com/elsamitchell/discovery-call

Elsa Mitchell; your Perth business coach

About the author

I’m Elsa Mitchell and I help women in business make more money by getting the clarity they need, developing the community they need and implementing the foundations they need in order to make the impact they want.

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